Within the wide diversity of processes and sectors located in the chemical industry (petrochemicals, fertilisers, plastics…), water treatment is a primary objective. In Europe, the chemical and oil refining industries consume 11% of fresh water, which gives us an idea of the importance of cleaning up these waters not to harm the environment. Furthermore, removing colloidal matter from chemical industry discharged by coagulants and flocculants is essential for proper purification.

Our technical-commercial department will help you to select the most suitable treatment (most efficient technical and economical solution) based on our experience and treatability studies in our application laboratory, as well as on the implementation of these treatments on an industrial scale.
Our experience in the chemical sector means we are aware of the added difficulty of effluents in the chemical industry. It is complex wastewaters that require made-to-measure physiochemical and biological treatments based on the choice of type, flocculant or biological solution suitable for every kind of wastewater typical of industrial processes in the chemical sector.