Wastewater Treatment in the Metallurgical and Galvanic Industry
The metallurgical industry is concerned with processing metals for machine and tool manufacturing for other sectors. The galvanic or galvanising industry uses a chemical technique known as galvanising to coat metallic elements with other metals by electrolysis. Water treatment in both industries involves dealing with metals in the effluent (Zn, Cu, Ni, Fe, Al, Cr…) that can damage health and the environment. The separation processes use coagulants, flocculants and metal precipitators to ensure compliance with disposal regulations and minimise the risks described above.

Our technical-commercial department will help you to select the most suitable treatment (most efficient technical and economical solution) based on our experience and treatability studies in our application laboratory, as well as on the implementation of these treatments on an industrial scale.
Our experience in the metallurgical sector means we are aware of the added difficulty presented by effluents from the metal sector. It is complex wastewater that requires made-to-measure physiochemical and biological treatments based on the choice of coagulant, flocculant or biological solution suitable for each type of wastewater typical of industrial processes in the metallurgical sector.